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- Polarized Capacitors and 555
- 7800 and 7900 Series Voltage Regulators
- Blind Temperature Controller
- Keith Neufeld – Electronics Blog

Howdy! This circuit of yours is EXACTLY what I was looking for. TOTALLY cool! However, I have a few questions about it…mostly because I’m a software guy.

The LM78XX series of three-terminal positive regulators is available in the TO-220 package and with several fixed output voltages, making them useful in a (more…)

message: from SJ
for my hobby purpose (pewter small models) i ‘m building a kind off rubber press with two hot plate about max: 200degre C.

Kieth’s Blog has many ideas on refurbishing and creating electronic gadgets, Mechanical and DIY Techniques. LED Calculator with Rotary Quadrature Encoder for Target System Voltage Selection, Arduino, Robotics, PCB Layout Tips, Introduction to Circuits, LED Clock.
delabs Technologies
Electronic Circuits
Electronics Circuits
- Polarized Capacitors and 555
- Blind Temperature Controller
- Digital Multimeter 50200 50220 – Energy Concepts

Howdy! This circuit of yours is EXACTLY what I was looking for. TOTALLY cool! However, I have a few questions about it…mostly because I’m a software guy.

message: from SJ
for my hobby purpose (pewter small models) i ‘m building a kind off rubber press with two hot plate about max: 200degre C.

This manual provides maintenance information for the Energv Concepts Digital Multimeter, Model No. 50200. Included are circuit board information, the various adjustments required, parts lists, schematic diagram, and other maintenance and troubleshooting information.
Hobby DIY Electronics
Hobby Garage
- Keith Neufeld – Electronics Blog
- Introduction to Transistors – Transistor Projects
- SWTPC – Popular Electronics – Radio-Electronics

Kieth’s Blog has many ideas on refurbishing and creating electronic gadgets, Mechanical and DIY Techniques. LED Calculator with Rotary Quadrature Encoder for Target System Voltage Selection, Arduino, Robotics, PCB Layout Tips, Introduction to Circuits, LED Clock.

This book is intended to show the electronics experimenter how the transistor was developed, how it is manufactured, and how it works.

This site’s purpose is to address the lack of technical information for some of the rarer vintage computers and related peripherals, with a strong focus on SWTPC.
Tech Media Network
Tech Media Network
- 7800 and 7900 Series Voltage Regulators
- KTechLab – Open Source IDE
- Linear Circuit Design Handbook – Hank Zumbahlen

The LM78XX series of three-terminal positive regulators is available in the TO-220 package and with several fixed output voltages, making them useful in a (more…)

KTechLab project. KTechLab is a an IDE for microcontrollers and electronics. It supports circuit simulation, program development for microcontrollers and simulating the programmed microcontroller (more…)

Linear Circuit Design Handbook, edited by Hank Zumbahlen (Newnes, 2008), bridges the gap between circuit component theory and practical circuit design.