Technology and Engineering News


Web Development

delabs search engine

Search and Find Tech Things - Combined News Feed of all delabs Engine Blogs. These are new blogs of delabs which have a unified search. All the rss feeds from the expressionengine blogs are roasted into one feed using a simplepie feed baker script. This in turn is blended and cooked with the delabs wordpress feeds and the dapj blogs search feed, that is yet an other story and yet an other feed. The delabs feed nourishment for starving brains.


Electronic Web Widgets

These are various web widgets i developed after 2002. These were tutorials in Electronics and Technology. It also demonstrates usability issues in small devices and using JS-CSS-Ajax in a Innovative way to make GUI dynamic, interactive and contextual. Some of the Ideas were the first of its kind in the GUI design. There are Web widgets related to learning electronics and also demonstrating the subtle aspects of Product Design Technologies.
